Non-NHS Services

Private Work Fees

The NHS provides most health services to people free of charge (although there are some exceptions such as prescription charges).  For services that are not covered by the NHS there is a private fee to cover the responsibility taken and the time spent by doctors and administrative staff. The British Medical Association provides a guide to the fees that GPs can charge. We aim to keep the charges for professional services at an appropriate level..

Some services provided fall outside the scope of the NHS  include the following:

  • Medicals for pre-employment, sports and driving requirements (HGV, PSV etc.)
  • Insurance claim forms
  • Private sick notes
  • Vaccination certificates
  • Housing letters

Please send us your request and we will advise you of the charge. 

Why do I have to pay?

The NHS provides most health services to people free of charge (although there are some exceptions such as prescription charges).  For services that are not covered by the NHS there is a private fee to cover the responsibility taken and the time spent by doctors and administrative staff. The British Medical Association provides a guide to the fees that GPs can charge. We aim to keep the charges for professional services at an appropriate level.

What is and isn’t covered?

The Government’s contract with GP’s does include the completion of some specialist forms (eg from the Department of Work and Pensions) and some organizations pay GP’s directly to complete reports (eg DVLA and certain insurance company reports).  These are usually sent directly to the GP, so if you have been given a form to bring it’s likely that you will need to pay a fee.  Some examples and the relevant charges are listed on the back of this leaflet.  If you are unsure about anything, please ask.

Why can’t I get it done here and now?

At The Bridge Surgery we want to spend our time providing excellent quality healthcare to our patients.  Completing the increasing number of reports that are requested takes time away from patient care.  We acknowledge that these reports are important to you and need to be completed, but clinical care has to be our priority.  We will aim to complete short reports and letters within 2 weeks.  More complex reports may take up to 4 weeks.

Why do I have to pay up front?

In the past doctors have written many letters and completed many forms that have not subsequently been collected.  This has wasted valuable time which could have been used for patient care.

But all I need is a doctor to sign it!

When a doctor signs a certificate or report, it is a condition of the Medical Register that they only sign what they know to be true.  In order to complete even the simplest of forms, the doctor may have to read a large amount of medical records. Carelessness or an inaccurate report may have considerable negative effect on you and may have serious consequences on the doctor with the General Medical Council (GMC) or even the police.

I just need a signature to say that I’m healthy to do it!

Increasingly more and more requests have been received asking for a signature to say that someone is healthy to pursue a particular activity.  Unfortunately, there is no simple test to say anyone is “healthy” to do any activity.  The GP may not be able to sign such a form, or may write an explanation of the limitations of what they can say on the form.  We cannot be responsible for whether the company accepts what the doctor is willing to write. As GPs we may not be able to sign a form which you ask us to as our intention is to always act in the best interests of our patients and to maintain the safest medical practice so a refusal to complete a form is no way intended to offend.

Some misconceptions

There are some common misconceptions about the need for a doctor’s letter in certain circumstances. These include Blue Badge letters, passport applications, letters for school exam boards and letters to the council housing trust.  Below are three common examples.  Please help us to keep our time focussed on patient care and avoid asking for these.  They can be provided if really required, but there will be a charge.

I need a Blue Badge!

Application for a blue badge doesn’t need a GP’s letter. Worcestershire County Council’s official advice states, “Please do not request evidence from your GP.  If you have problems supplying written evidence, please visit your local Worcestershire hub customer service centre for further information.”

I need a letter for the Housing Trust/Council

Housing trusts and local authorities have their own medical advisers.  Please contact the trust directly if you have a medical issue related to your housing or application for housing.

I’ve missed an exam!

A letter to confirm sickness having missed an exam is not usually required by exam boards.  Ofqual states, “Awarding Organisations make no requirement for pupils to obtain a medical certificate in support of an application for special consideration.”

Certificate of medication/Fit to Fly

Please check with your airline first, to determine if this is needed. We can write a simple factual letter confirming the medication you take and any equipment you might need to administer if. If you are a diabetic and use insulin, you may require a letter of permission to carry syringes/needles/lancets into the cabin, and for icepacks (containing .100ml coolant) to store insulin at the required temperature.